Optimization of honey production by monitoring the behavior of bees based on studying their sounds Tunisia
This is a first approach in the development of beekeeping and the preserving of bees, a crucial and important species in the balance of ecology on our planet. This project consists in designing and building a small affordable device that will help beekeepers keep an eye on their hives whenever and wherever they are by providing them with instant and continuous data and information about their beehive status through a mobile application. This IOT approach will rely on many physical variables especially the sound frequency of the beebuzz which appears to be a way for the bees to comminucate. That’s why we aimed to analyse the sound frequencies of the bee buzz to detect beehive behavioral changes. Many other factors are also important for the keeping of a healthy beehive such us temperature , humidity , weight and fly activity. The development of this real time beehive monitoring system will not only help the beekeeper keep track of his hive and collect useful data but also increase the honey production and avoid many colony losses and thus preserve the bees and ensure their well-being.